Uli Mayang

30 May 2013

drawing / gambar

siank, well beberapa waktu yang lalu uli mayang punya waktu luang. nah waktu luang tuch uli mayaang pakek buat nyoba menggambar. ini beberapa gaambar yang uli mayang buat. yang pertama ini gambar abstrak dengan pewarna cat air dan beberapa part dari dongeng timun emas menggunakan crayon.

 2 picture above is abstrac painting, i just want to try to use my old water collor and that is the result. LOL i think is not too bad. what do u think?

 this picture was using crayon. well this one of part in timun emas (indonesia folk tale).

 all of those picture i made just for fun. yups, some time i use my free time to drawing or make handy craft. hope you can enjoy it..

uli mayang

24 May 2013

pita bunga RIBBON FLOWER

hi all so long didn't see you, well it's time that really really full of stress for uli mayang. but, its okay because Now I am here!

yup yup there are so many duty and activities  i have to do, even though busy like that I still prepare some thing to write in this blog. yup this is RIBBON FLOWER tutorial by uli mayang hahaha...

for clearly instruction lets back to our mother tongue ... INDONESIA RAYA ! MERDEKA !

bahan- bahan / tools/ material

  • pita/renda ribbon
  • benang dan jarun jahit sewing nodle and sewing thread
  • jarum songket crochet stick
  • benang katun thread catton
  • gunting scissors
  • lem lilin dan pistol glue
  • pin/bros/peniti pin/brooch 

  •  potong pita sesuai selera, pilih pita yang agak lebar ya guys..
  •  lipat pita menjadi dua bagian yang mana satu sisi lebih lebar di banding lainnya
  •  jelujur bagian bawah pita (jelujur dengan jarak)
  •  tarik benang jelujur, hingga pita berkerut (serut)

cutting the ribbon, slide the ribbon into two part with one part more wide than other, sew the ribbon with space, pull the tread. 

  • setelah pita berbentuk melingkar seperti bunga. matikan benang.
  • dengan benang katun dan jarum songket buat rantai hingga panjang yang diinginkan (chain) 
  • lalu songket dc sampai rantai selesai, matikan benang
  • kemudian putar lah hasil songketan, berikan lem. lalu keratkan diatas bunga dari pita
  •  terakhir berikan pin untuk bros di blakang bunga pita. taraaaa ~~~ BUNGA PITA JADIIII ~~~~ 

make around the ribbon like a flower. with Cotton thread crochet stick make chain, then make dc to up.
next make around the result of your crochet. for more clearly please look at the picture 
 the last give a little of glue, and put pin/brooch. this is it... FLOWER BROOCH have done, ready to wear.

ps: for make the chain n dc, you can found it in my older post.

to see more about my handy craft that i sell please visit on my facebook account raully masashi craft

well those all for this moment, thank you for coming

uli mayang