Uli Mayang

18 September 2013

BOOK REVIEW : menggambar busana (make dress sketch)’ by Rohaeni Heni and Mulyadi Yadi.

If someone ask you what activities do you like? I will ask, I like to read some of books such as comic, novel, handy craft book etc. Besides reading I like drawing also. I like drawing manga (cartoon), flower, including my own dress. In my closet you can see a half of my clothes were made based on my own sketch. Yeah some of them were my own sketch sewed by tailor and the other were sewed by myself. But drawing and make a sketch for dress is different. Some times what I have in my mind was different with the last product made by tailor. That is I would learn how to make a good dress sketch so I bought a book entitle ‘menggambar busana (make dress sketch)’ by Rohaeni Heni and Mulyadi Yadi.

Jika seseorang menanyakan aktivitas apa yang kamu sukai?  Saya akan menjawab, saya senang membaca buku seperti komik, novel buku kerajinan tangan dll. Disamping itu saya juga suka menggambar. Saya suka menggambar tokoh komik, bunga termasuk menggambar baju untuk saya. Jika kawan melihat lemari ganti saya, hamper setengan baju saya merupakan hasil desainnan saya sendiri. Ya, sebagian di jahitkan penjahit dan sebagian lagi saya jahit sendiri. Menggambar secara umum dan membuat sketsa baju itu ternyata berbeda sekali lho kawan. Kadang – kadang apa yang ada dalam benak kita itu berbeda sekali dengan hasil jahitannya (ini kalau tidak di jahit sendiri) makanya kadang uli mayang sebeeeeeeeeelllllll banget! Karena itu lah uli akhirnya memutuskan untuk belajar membuat desain baju. Jadinya, uli beli dech buku berjudul “menggambar busana” karangan Heni Roheni dan Yadi Mulyani ini.

General descriptions
Author: Roheni Heni and Mulyadi Yadi.
Total page (jumlah halaman) : 42 pages.
Copyright 2013 by Yrama Widya Bandung Publisher.

gambaran umum
penulis: Heni Roheni dan Yadi Mulyani
jumlah halaman : 42 halaman.
Tahun terbit 2013 oleh percetakan Yrama Widaya bandung

(+) Positive
Actually this book is good, there are so many picture and completed by step and step how to drawn it.
This book is very cheap only 10.000 IDR with discount 10% so it jus 9.900 IDR or it just $ 0.93 (based on Bank Indonesia buying rate on 5 September)
The material was complete and explain well.
In this book isn’t teach how to make sketch only, there is how to select and combing dress colour. Also. 
Full color.

Bukunya bagus, di dalamnya ada banyak sekali gambar dan di lengkapi cara menggambarnnya satu per satu.
Bukunya murah sekali. Waktu beli di Toga mas harganya hanya Rp.10.000 itu juga di potong harganya jadi tinggal Rp. 9.900 saja.
Materinya lengkap dan di jelaskan dengan baik sekali.
Buku ini tdak hanya mengajarkan bagaimana cara menggambar desai baju saja. Di sini juga di jelaskan bagaimana cara memilih dan mengkombinasikan warna busana.
Bukunya juga penuh gambar berwarna.

( -) Negative
I have got nothing

(-) negatifnya

Sejauh ini belum ada


  1. Thank you for the comment in my blog. <3

    Yes, i follow you now too. :) And i put now also the Google translation. ^-^

    1. Di mana boleh beli buku ni ya ?

  2. oh wow this book looks really interesting and helpful :)
    thanks for your comment dear..i'm following you now too :)
    hope you're having a nice day,
    best wishes.

  3. Thank you. It made me really happy that you think the pillow are creative and nice.<3

    Yes, meet new friends are always make us happy! :)

  4. Thanks so much for your sweet words, they made my day!
    I follow you back now!

    Have a great day,

  5. Perfect review!!!
    We follow you back!! What about facebook and bloglovin?
    Chic With The Least
    Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’

  6. interessante blog! ti seguo e ti aspetto qui http://modaealtririmedi.blogspot.it/

  7. looks cool!

    xx fameliquorlove.blogspot.com

  8. Oh really nice book!


  9. Interesting book! I like how its so cheap! C:

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  10. loh iki bukune kok murah banget o.o tak cari e engkok lek nang toko buku xD

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  11. I think it is amazing if you can make your own dress and clothing designs... wow

    It would be hard to explain exactly what you were looking for in a clothing item.

    Keep studying and working at it :)

  12. Buku dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas yang baik.

  13. bukunya keren dan design nya oke banget

  14. latih aja terus skill ngegambarnya mbak siapa tau berbakat jadi designer ^^

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Thanks for a nice comment

uli mayang.